

"Amo." I love. It's what I was born to do. It's actually on the Scott family's clan crest. On one branch of the Scott family, with a different crest, the motto is "Amo ardiente" for which I have seen such latin approximations as "I love fiercely". I do that, too, sometimes.

Love has infinite forms. Some are rapturous, some are achingly beautiful. Some of them are not easy to live through, and some of them require sacrifice that can seem beyond  bearing. Sometimes if you truly love someone and you have gotten to the place with them that your only remaining option is to say goodbye, you lay the relationship down as tenderly as you can, and you turn it over to whatever higher power you believe in. And that is love, too.  Love is never wasted.

Living in the now and staying focused on the present is healing. Making new friends is healing. Having an anam cara, a "soul friend" is healing.  Even the tears that still wash my heart now and then it are healing.

 Practicing lovingkindness is healing. 
Meditating with the metta prayer is healing.  There are opportunities to use both all around us, every day. I am also practicing Ho' Oponopono as a way of clearing my own chi (energy field). This ancient Hawaiian technique, at least the short form, involves the mantra "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you." It can be chanted, spoken, written, worn on your person, etc, and it is especially useful if the one you most need to say these words to has cut you out of their life or departed from this plane of existence.   I recommend it to anyone working through their own issues of the heart.

 Blessings and courage for the journey, and may you be aware as often as you think of it that you are surrounded and interwoven with an infinite field of Light and Love.



Patsy Terrell said...

Sharon... I love the blog. And I love that process of moving on. I may have to incorporate that phrase into my own life. Congrats on getting the blog up and running!

Ace Jackalope said...

I love that butterfly pic, especially the diagonal lines (yucca leaves?).